







Untung dan ruginya Islam....

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Tajuk entri ini sangat tak catchy. Kalau kita nak buat ia sebagai tajuk depan majalah, mesti ramai yang tengok saja, tak beli. Cewah. Mentang-mentang baru pulang dari meeting editor. Haaa...nak tau majalah apa? Majalah 'Ayuh!'. kuang3....just kidding. I know...I know... not funny. So don't even think of smiling. Tajuknya yang sebenar; 'Untung dan Ruginya Islam...

Heads up!

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Menyesali sesuatu yang boleh dicegah adalah tidak berguna. (Ahhh...ayat tak best!) Pendek cerita: rajin-rajinlah ye~ Saya perlu tambah kerajinan! Mesti rajin usaha untuk makan! Untuk makan! Dan untuk makan! Dan, buat kesekian kalinya, today I studied Pathology like a boss~ *cewah Alhamdulillah. Keep the hard work. Put more effort. *gain more energy....

How to lose weight

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Step 1: Have a high fever for at least 3 days. If it reaches 5 days, that's better. Step 2: When you have that high fever, of which the lowest temperature is 38.5, you'll definitely lose all your appetite (at least it works on me) Step 3: Continue living your life well. Never forget to pray no matter how sick you are. Step 4: Don't forget to see the doctor. Step 5: At the hospital, ask the doctor if you can use the weighing scale there....


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Bismillaahirrahmaaanirrahiiim..... 1. Hari ni baru saya tau bahawa ramai yang baca blog ni sebagai silent readers. TIDAKKKKK!!! (72 harakat, volume maximum) 2. Kepada semua yang membaca, yang mengikuti, kepada adik2, kakak2, makcik2, ustajah2, ostad2, kengkawan, saya minta maaf kerana akhir2 ni semuanya post mengarut.sangat T______T 3. Bianhe. Cheongmal bianhe =(( 4. Waduhh...kenapa selama ni tak perasan?? Nasib baik Allah bagi petunjuk....

Keep holding on

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Huge. It's a huge sacrifice you made back then, didn't you? A sacrifice not known to me It wasn't told Nor was it shown For having made such a big decision For having decided to have faith For having firm patience with the faith Thank you. Courage. It was a remarkable act of bravery you did back then, didn't you? One of which I never thought could be done One of which brought me tears Tears of gratefulness Tears of joy Always. For the...

64 vs 22

Monday, 14 May 2012

May 15th May their sufferings be rewarded with Paradise May our prayers be with them May all Muslims rise! Let this photo (above) tell the story We keep on asking "what can we do for them?" Penjelasan daripada Prof Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi: HUKUM HUNGER STRIKES DI PALESTIN: Mogok lapar mungkin satu-satunya pilihan yang ada...

Watch and learn

Monday, 14 May 2012

I know... I know... we must listen to both sides to know the truth. But hey, logically, I'm moved by the crowd, by the masses of people, by their courage, by the spirit. Don't the crowd always win? I mean, even in a simple meeting, the one with the largest number will surely win, and the voices will be taken into consideration. Am I not right? So I spared some time to watch this. To think, to analyze. Besides, I'm currently living...

Be wise

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Quotes for today... ^_____^ ...

Culex egg raft

Friday, 11 May 2012

Tomorrow...tomorrow.... (penah dengar lagu Tomorrow tak?) 1. Esok final exam practical Parasitology. Yeah, I love Parasitology! (but still, parasites are despicable) 2. Tadi doktor buat kelas tambahan. Dari pukul 2 sampai 8 malam! Gila lama. Tapi....ramai tau yang datang. Haaa... jangan main-main. Everybody knows the art of cramming! Haha >__<  (including...

So lame...

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

I know, I know, so lame to listen to this song. But who cares? ha...

Ambil hati?

Monday, 7 May 2012

1. Mahukan sesuatu dari tuannya, perlu ambil hati tuannya dahulu. Setuju? 2. Saya mahukan sesuatu milik Tuhan. Jadi saya perlu buat Tuhan gembira dengan saya kan? Semua benda pun milik Tuhan. 3. Mengambil hati dan mengampu adalah dua benda yang berbeza. Perlu jelas kedua-duanya. 4. Bagi saya, bukanlah dinamakan mengambil hati sekadar dengan cara 'like'...

Hold my hand

Friday, 4 May 2012

Hold my hand Step by step We walk together Till the en...

Lucky me

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

I'm so bored today. It's labour day and I'm not a labour yet, so I don't know how am I supposed to enjoy this holiday, because holiday for Islam's workers are only in the paradise. Okay, I know those words sound crazily 'bajet', but that's the truth. It's May already whether we like it or not. Me? I love it! Simply because I was born in May. hehe I used to...

Love is...

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The best love is when you find someone who makes your Imaan rise, who makes you more pious and who helps you here in the dunya because that person wants to meet you again in Jannah. “Ketika Allah menginginkan dua hati bertemu, Dia akan menggerakkan keduanya sekali. Tidak hanya salah satu.” —Ustaz Don Daniyal  "The...

Untuk awak awak

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Assalamualaikum adik-adik, kakak-kakak, makcik-makcikku sayang.  Cantik tudung. hehe. Beli kat mana?  Alhamdulillah, ada tudung, dapat tutup aurat kan? =) Tapi kenapa kita tutup aurat? Takut masuk neraka? Haaa...jom baca kejap: ‎ 8 KESALAHAN FAHAMAN AURAT MASA KINIKESALAHAN PERTAMA : Aurat itu adalah memakai tudung sahaja.KESALAHAN KEDUA : Bertudung...


Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Sometimes, Allah breaks your spirit to save your soul. Sometimes, HE breaks our heart to make us whole. Sometimes, Allah allows pain so we can be stronger. Sometimes, Allah sends us failure so we can be humble. Sometimes, Allah allows illness so we can take better care of ourselves. Sometimes, Allah takes everything away from us so we can learn...

Di mana Al-Fateh?

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Tercari-cari di manakah Al-Fatih di abad ini? Anda takkan temuinya… Melainkan andalah! yg perlu memiliki,  menjiwai dan  menelusuri “perbadi Al-Fateh”…  p/s: ingat nak bagi anak nama Fateh. tapi....dah ada....

Fahami (bukan nama orang)

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Alkisah apa dia matlamat tarbiyah. Kita sibuk-sibuk ke sana ke mari mengaku seorang yang mendapat tarbiyah. So tau tak apa matlamat tarbiyah tersebut? Haaa...baca baca. Ni copy paste je. Semoga bermanfaat! ^___^ Matlamat tarbiyah Islamiyah itu perlu dibahagikan kepada dua iatu matlamat yang merangkumi perkara umum dan matlamatnya yang khusus. Matlamat...
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