







Pikir apo jang??

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Dulu masa kecil, aku selalu fikir 'manusia ni fikir apa?'. Nampak orang tengah makan, aku bertanya kepada diri 'apa yang orang tu fikir masa makan?'. Nampak orang tengah siram bunga, 'apa yang dia tengah fikir sambil buat tu?'. Nampak orang tunggu bas, 'apa yang dia fikir dalam kepala?'. Sebab masa kecil, aku sangat yakin manusia ni sentiasa berfikir. Aku yakin takkan la manusia ni kosong, tak fikir apa-apa. Hatta beberapa saat sebelum tidur pun, manusia tentu berfikir tentang sesuatu. Kalau tak berfikir, manusia berangan. Antara dua tu lah.

As I grow up, I learn that every human being is very unique in his own way. The same goes to what he thinks about, what's always in his mind and what concerns him. To some people, thinking about the world issues like racism, war and politics seems normal. But to some, those issues are too heavy to think about that their brain might explode if they ever try to think about them. Therefore, they never bother to care. To some people, thinking about what song Taylor Swift is about to release next seems important and a must. Plus, thinking about it maybe keeps the brain in normal healthy shape. But to some, such thing is a waste of energy. Like I said, everybody is too unique.

Now how about you? What's in your mind right now? Perhaps too many things to be listed. Maybe you're thinking about your parents at home. Or maybe about your sick aunt. Or maybe about your friends who are sitting for final exams. Or maybe about when on earth will the Egypt election start. Or maybe about Somalia. Or maybe about who will win the UEFA Champions League Cup. Or maybe about the changing weather. Or maybe about the excitement of learning new stuffs at school. Or maybe planning how to be the top scorer. Or maybe about how's your boyfriend doing. Or maybe about which shoes to wear tomorrow. Or perhaps about anything on earth that can be think of.

You know, there are so many things that we can think of. Sometimes it seems too burdening to think about stuffs that we describe as big. Like religion, world issues, politics, law and others. But the truth is, we all know that our brain has always been underused. The most that we use of our brain is only 10%. How unfair. Yet we say that we can't manage to think about serious things. How ironic. Sometimes it seems like thinking of the entertainment world is more preferable because it doesn't burden the brain. How funny.

The main issue is one: LAZINESS. We're just too lazy to care. Too lazy to think. Too lazy to act. I'm actually trying to focus on college students, or scholars. If you (the one who read this) are a primary school child, or perhaps currently attending a kindergarten, I apologize if this post burdens your mind. But if you're not, then you may as well keep reading and thinking.

What has you spent your life for? Is it more for yourself or more for yourself? No, it's not a typo. It's just something to admit. True, isn't it? What we do, what we think of, are mostly for ourselves. Hey, come on. Think about this. If God really sent you to this world just to live for yourself, He might as well sent you somewhere with nobody else living in it. Because you surely don't have to do anything for anyone else. But you see, He sent you to live in a world full of strangers. Full of people you don't know. And for what? Think.

God never do something meaningless. Everything happens for a reason. The same goes to why you exist in this world. You see. If you live your life everyday without thinking of others, there might be something wrong. If you think about others but do nothing, there must be something really wrong somewhere. 'Others' here doesn't mean celebrities, or entertainers, or trendsetters. 'Others' that I'm talking about is our Muslim brothers and sisters. Why do you think you exist in this world if you're not meant to do something for others?

We have so much time to talk about entertainment and stuffs we like. Well then how come we have no time at all to be concern about the problems our ummah is facing? Or maybe, maybe we say that we are concern by knowing. But what have we done for Islam then? Simply knowing and do nothing sounded enough?

Hey, remember. God gave each of us a precious brain. A brain which is a million times more powerful than a computer. If we loaded a computer with lots of songs, movies, dramas, music videos, games and stuffs, it will give us all of those in return. It cannot give us something that we don't fill it with. The same goes to us. We are what we feed ourselves, minds and souls.

Take a moment or two to reflect. All this while, what have we been thinking? Have we been loading our mind with important stuffs? Have we done something beneficial for Islam? Have we done anything for the ummah? Or are we still wasting our time waiting for the right time? What if we die tomorrow? Have we done enough good deeds? Or are we still busy doing things for ourselves?

You realize that you're growing older, right? Do you realize that your brain too, should grow more mature? Let's be fair to our mind. Let it be filled with stuffs that will not bring us huge regrets in the end. It's not that it's sinful to think about fairy-tale in such age. But it's just that our mind is capable of things more than just fairy-tales and fantasies. Don't under-use or even underestimate our precious mind. When God gave each of us mind, He gave each of us huge responsibilities to change the world. Discover our potential and move forward. There are lots of things we can do for Islam. It's not the matter of time. It's the matter of whether we are willing or not. So start by thinking. Then act.

Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda:
Sesiapa yang tidak mengambil tahu tentang urusan orang-orang Islam, maka ia tidak termasuk dari kalangan mereka.

1 play the melodies:

fnma said...

very nice post! Keep it up sis :)

9 October 2011 at 05:39
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